ERC com ERP Singap Web da Quidgest

    ERC – Entidade Reguladora para a Comunicação Social


    ERP Singap® Web 6.1


The ERC – Entidade Reguladora para a Comunicação Social (Regulatory Authority for the Media), which has been in office since 2006, has as its primary objective the regulation and supervision of all entities which, under the jurisdiction of the Portuguese state, carry out media activities. 

Its duties include ensuring respect for the rights, freedoms and guarantees of citizens in the media space, as well as ensuring that the ownership of entities that carry out media activities is not concentrated, that they are independent from political and economic power, and guaranteeing the possibility of expression and confrontation of the various currents of opinion. More information here. 


The project was motivated by the new opportunities and advantages offered by a more advanced web system capable of complementing and expanding the functionalities of the backoffice system used until then (and since 2006) to manage Human Resources, Finance and Assets. 

Through this continuity solution, ERC’s main objectives were to achieve greater fluidity, effectiveness and efficiency in carrying out daily operations, as well as greater and better integration between the various areas (modules) of the system. 

This represented the transition to Quidgest’s ERP SINGAP® Web 6.1, a complete web ERP solution used by several public institutions that aim to put citizens first and guarantee information security, high levels of performance and increased productivity through process automation. 


  • 100% web solution – access via web browser 

  • Adaptation to specific public management procedures 

  • Compliance with the latest legislation in force 

  • Quick and easy inclusion of new requirements 

  • Potential for evolution through user suggestions 

  • Intuitive design with a focus on user experience 

  • Corporate licensing with no user limit 

  • No annual license maintenance fees 

  • Technological independence through automatic generation by the Genio platform 

ERP SINGAP® enables a holistic strategy based on:

  • Modules that can be integrated and adapted to different entities, departments and activities 
  • Standardization of processes to minimize errors and achieve greater productivity 
  • Maximizing the value of human, financial, asset and documentary resources, with detailed reports and forecasts 
  • 360º view of the organization, by cross-referencing data in real time to analyse the past and present in order to decide on the future 
transição para erp singap web da quidgest


Quidgest’s ERP SINGAP® Web 6.1 represents a significant technological advance, adapted to today’s requirements, namely because it allows access via different electronic devices (and from anywhere or at any time), as long as there is internet access. This feature, combined with its speed, results in higher levels of efficiency in the work carried out. 

In terms of information management, there has also been greater sharing of information, as well as a single entry for the various modules in the financial, assets and human resources areas. 

These improvements have led to an increase in average productivity per worker, due to the greater speed with which operations are carried out and more efficient data entry. In addition, after implementing this digital solution, there was a reduction in operating costs of around 10%. 


The team that accompanied our project did so with professionalism, showing itself to be avaliable to solve the problems encountered during the system´s implementation phase in good time.

Dr.ª Maria João Caldeira, Diretor of the ERC Management Department