Quidgest customers are organizations that have faced and won challenges in their processes of modernization and digital transformation, such as:

  • High costs (implementation and maintenance) of large and complex management packages, namely ERP.
  • Strong rigidity in their projects of change and digital transformation, due essentially to the heterogeneous, sometimes obsolete, and disintegrated software that has been acquired over the years.
  • Long-term development of specific solutions.
  • Scarcity of programmers and analysts.
  • Poor use of technology for more sustainable development.








The co-innovation awards are presented annually at the Q-Day Conference, celebrating the innovation and cooperation between clients and Quidgest. These award the organizations that stand out for their ideas and suggestions for improvements, given the solutions developed.


Turismo de Portugal


Lisbon and Tagus Valley Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR LVT)

Portuguese Army

Institute for Financial Management of Social Security (IGFSS)

PsicoSoma Publishing and authors of the book “Success in the Implementation of the BSC in Public and Private Organizations”

Cascais Envolvente

Directorate-General for Territory (DGT)

Secretariat-General of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (SGPCM)

Municipality of Famalicão

Las Training

ADENE – Energy Agency

National Data Protection Agency of São Tomé and Príncipe (ANPDP)

GTE Consultants

Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (IPC)

Faculty of Science and Technology at NOVA University of Lisbon (FCT-UNL)


Clients with History Co-Innovation Award | Turismo de Portugal

“I would like to thank Quidgest for this award, which greatly honors us, and Turismo de Portugal. We all know that we have experienced many changes in recent years: climate change, wars, inflation, rising interest rates, technological disruptions… and all these changes bring many challenges, particularly for the tourism sector, which, as we know, is growing tremendously, and therefore brings enormous challenges. Thank you.”

Clients with History Co-Innovation Award | Lisbon and Tagus Valley Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR LVT)

“Thank you very much to Quidgest and thank you to everyone. Indeed, we have been clients since 2002, so we have a long-standing partnership that is very important to us because we deal with administrative processes, and as everyone understands, when human resources are scarce and external demands are many, technological solutions give us confidence in the present, and also give us confidence in the future, to take on new responsibilities. CCDR LVT, since January this year, has new competencies, particularly in the areas of culture and agriculture. So, it is also now a time for us to forge new partnerships and, with confidence, see that it is indeed possible to do more with less. Thank you very much.”

Agile Co-Innovation Award | Portuguese Army

“The first words, on behalf of our General Ferrão, Chief of the General Staff of the Portuguese Army, are to thank Quidgest for this distinction. I can’t say that there weren’t difficulties along the way, but it’s normal because we are partners, and we have strongly relied on Quidgest’s expertise to strengthen our internal capabilities and overcome the challenges that are presented to us daily. And this is what I would like to highlight: it has been a very fruitful partnership, and we continue to aim for it to be strengthened in the future.”

Strategic Excellence Co-Innovation Award | Institute for Financial Management of Social Security (IGFSS)

“Thanks to Quidgest for recognizing the institution whose Board I have the honor to lead. Indeed, this Balanced Scorecard tool, which we have used since 2007, alongside a Quality Management system, has allowed us to work in a way that enables us to plan, monitor, control, correct, and maintain focus. It has also provided us with an instrument that makes it possible to clearly communicate to workers the goals each one knows they need to achieve to fulfill our strategic plan.”

Impactful Words Co-Innovation Award | PsicoSoma Publishing and authors of the book “Success in the Implementation of the BSC in Public and Private Organizations”

“We achieved our goal, namely to have a tool explained step by step, both in a dense theoretical aspect and through practical exemplification with four case studies. In our opinion, it is valuable because it explains, in a Drill Down methodology, from top to bottom, the micro indicators, how the strategy is conveyed and translated into indicators across its four classic perspectives (or five, as there is much talk now of five or even six perspectives) in order to convey information, communicate, measure, and interconnect organizations. I hope you enjoy it. I am greatly honored to be here representing my colleagues and PsicoSoma Publishing.”

Co-Innovation Award for the Local Community | Cascais Envolvente

“It has been many years of partnership. Cascais Envolvente merges with Quidgest and with GiHabita. Our lives would not be possible without this tool. We are now in a new project, two new projects. Indeed, it has been what we call a ‘Work in Progress,’ every day. They have never failed us. I don’t think we’ve failed either, but it has been an interesting journey, and it will be interesting now, too, with these new projects we have for dematerialization, putting new platforms and tools at the population’s disposal so we can be closer to the topics we have been discussing, year after year. Thank you very much.”

Digital Impact Co-Innovation Award | Directorate-General for Territory (DGT)

“A few brief words to thank Quidgest and the organization of this event for this distinction, a direct recognition for the DGT teams, especially those who worked on these projects that were the drivers of this mention. DGT is a public entity that works with large volumes of data. Data from various sources: geographic, territorial, cadastral. It is a big challenge. These data are acquired and processed with purpose, they serve public policies, they serve a set of entities, they don’t just serve us and the citizens who interact with us, but also the entire Public Administration that we try to serve (…). Check out our portal, where you can see our cadastral building viewer, to see the available features and evaluate the work. Thank you.”

Co-Innovation Award for Administrative Modernization | Secretariat-General of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (SGPCM)

“I would like to thank Quidgest for this partnership that has yielded results, even from other things we started before, and in other areas that are not what we are talking about today, and obviously, I also want to thank the concept that the SGPCM has always had, which is: it does not do this alone. And since it doesn’t do it alone, it seeks partners who know, and it also seeks partners within the Public Administration. Engineer Louro, Director of CEGER, who was also a very important partner in this project, is here along with Quidgest. So, I also ask that this award be shared with him and the CEGER team. They are the ones who build a better Secretariat-General every day. Thank you very much.”

Co-Innovation Award for Equality and Inclusion | Municipality of Famalicão

“Thank you to Quidgest for the work we have been developing over the past few years. The Municipality of Famalicão has sought innovative solutions, whether technological or not, that meet and respond to the needs of our community. All of us here have talked about AI, efficiency, data, and management. But when we provide services to the community, it has to be in the community, and to respond to the community (…). Our commitment, and in honor of this award, is to continue working for our community with our partners. No one innovates alone, and we cannot forget, in this digital area, the humanization of service provision, care, health, and other areas, which is what sets us apart from everything else.”

Continuous Co-Innovation Award | Las Training

“Our relationship with Quidgest began with LAS Training just being a client, but quickly in developing our tool we realized that this was not possible because the specificity we had in this platform we wanted to develop depended heavily on the technology. (…) And so, I would say that we somehow stopped being clients and became partners, even in the attempt to explore other areas, other places, and, in partnership, to develop business. So, thank you very much to Quidgest for the excellent work, and we hope to continue collaborating and working with you in the future.”

Co-Innovation Award for Sustainable Development | ADENE – Energy Agency

“ADENE turns 25 in 2025, and in recent years we have seen our work recognized in various ways. This is just another form, but it is one that is very important because it helps keep the entire team motivated to continue making things happen daily. This Co-Innovation Award from Quidgest reinforces this commitment and, in a way, motivates us to continue for another 25 years making a difference, working closely with citizens, and working closely with the entire sector. So, thank you very much for this recognition.”

International Co-Innovation Award | National Data Protection Agency of São Tomé and Príncipe (ANPDP)

“In fact, we started working with Quidgest this year on developing our integrated management system. We designed a system that would cover every functional circuit of the ANPDP, and this led us to be as innovative as possible, considering the challenges the Agency is currently facing and, beyond that, looking at future challenges as well. And, for that, we found in Quidgest a company capable of implementing all this complexity and the demands of the ANPDP in an integrated system, without leaving out all the innovation required by us (…). On behalf of the entire ANPDP team, I would like to thank Quidgest immensely for the recognition.”

National Partner Co-Innovation Award | GTE Consultants

“It is an honor to receive this distinction today. I have a very special affection for Quidgest. I have known Quidgest for many years, almost since its beginning, and I have followed the disruptive and innovative capabilities that so well characterize this company. GTE Consultants has been a partner of Quidgest, perhaps for almost two decades, and we have helped raise funding for different innovation, research, and internationalization projects that the company has successfully implemented. Quidgest is, indeed, an excellent example of a company that knows how to use and leverage community funds well to create value and deliver it to society. So, my congratulations to Quidgest.”

Connecting for the Future Co-Innovation Award | Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (IPC)

“I would like to begin by congratulating Quidgest on the initiative and for awarding us this distinction, which greatly honors and gratifies us. The IPC is one of the 10 largest higher education institutions in the national landscape. And it does so with a mission firmly aimed at a series of commitments that involve the excellence of our performances, the need to follow and apply the education of our students, and taking care of the well-being of our professionals, both teaching and non-teaching staff. To achieve the goals of our mission as an institution, we obviously need to surround ourselves with the best, and Quidgest is a chosen partner in that endeavor and, of course, holds a prominent position in achieving our mission principles.”

Science and Academia Co-Innovation Award | Faculty of Science and Technology at NOVA University of Lisbon (FCT-UNL)

“On behalf of FCT-UNL and its Director, Prof. José Alferes, I would like to thank Quidgest for this award. Quidgest has been an excellent partner in developing digital solutions. This Faculty Evaluation platform project is a project that holds a special place for me, as I had the opportunity to accompany it, implement it, and see the results, as we have just completed the first evaluation cycle with this platform, and I can tell you that I also had the opportunity to witness the excellent results we had in its use. It was much easier and more agile to manage all the necessary information (…), both for the services, which saw process optimization, and for the teaching staff, who saw their careers and performance completely transparently through this platform.”

Let’s work together!