2020 desenvolvimento regional

Project designation | QuidDigital

Project code | LISBOA-02-0752-FEDER-071400

Main goal | To reinforce the competitiveness of SMEs

Intervention region | Lisbon

Beneficiary | Quidgest – Consultores de Gestão, SA

Approval date | 28-04-2021

Start date | 01-09-2020

Conclusion date | 30-06-2023

Total eligible cost | 706.805,00€

European Union financial support | 282.722,00€ – FEDER

Description of the project:

Quidgest operates in the IT area with a strong focus on knowledge and innovation, underpinned by a long tradition of 20 years of Research in the area of ​​Software Engineering. It holds a prominent and recognized position in the national market, to which contribute the countless success stories, the visibility and references of flag projects, and the good positioning of its offer, whose development is accelerated with Genio, its generation platform automatic code.
However, in the face of a limited national market and without growth opportunities, Quidgest needs to invest in the international market and consolidate its presence there to remain competitive.

With this SI Internationalization project, Quidgest intends to continue international investments that have had good results in the past. Thus, the intention is to invest in direct prospecting, in the presence of events from multilateral organizations, in prospecting consultancy, in digital marketing tools, in international promotion actions, in the knowledge of foreign markets, and in new forms of organization of commercial practices and external relations, on platforms for access to international tenders and to commercial surveillance.

In order to adapt the strategy of approaching external markets in a post-pandemic world and taking advantage of the digital age, great emphasis will also be placed on an approach to potential customers and partners using digital marketing tools and means. It is intended to hold high-impact digital events such as virtual showrooms, digital technical-commercial conferences, and webinars.
Likewise, a bet on specialized consultancy will be made to increase Quidgest’s visibility in its target markets and with potential customers. This specialized consultancy will support the establishment of “Client Customer Advocacy” and “External Influencers” Programs.

Another objective of this project will be the recruitment of partners for each of the target markets. These partners will, in addition to helping to promote Quidgest in their markets, gather information by doing a Benchmarking study on their markets.

This project will thus bet on increasing the recognition of Quidgest in the markets to which it is intended to expand, with the aim of bringing it closer to the recognition it earns nationally. It also intends to overcome the impossibility of creating a commercial network in all target markets, through the association with local partners. It also hopes to leverage the great experience it has in certain sectors, such as digitalization in the public sector, to win business in markets where the know-how of local companies is more limited.

Goals to be achieved

  • Promote the growth of Turnover
  • Increase presence in foreign markets
  • Increase Quidgest brand visibility and awareness
  • Maintain sustained growth in the means generated, adjusting and consolidating the cost structure to profitability objectives
2020 desenvolvimento regional

Project designation | Quidgest – SI Qualificação

Project code | LISBOA-02-0853-FEDER-045687

Main goal | To reinforce the competitiveness of SMEs

Intervention region | Lisbon

Beneficiary | Quidgest – Consultores de Gestão, SA

Approval date | 29-11-2019

Start date | 18-11-2019

Conclusion date | 17-11-2022

Total eligible cost | 515.975,00€

European Union financial support | 206.390,00€ – FEDER

Project description:

Quidgest operates in the IT area with a strong focus on knowledge and innovation, supported by a long tradition of 20 years of Research in the area of ​​Software Engineering. It has a prominent and recognized position in the national market, to which contribute the countless success stories, the visibility and references of flag projects, and the good positioning of its offer, whose development is accelerated with Genio, its generation platform automatic code.

However, in the face of a limited national market and without growth opportunities, Quidgest needs to invest in the international market and consolidate its presence there to remain competitive. With this project, Quidgest intends to promote its competitive qualification, introducing changes to its internal organization and the way it relates to the outside, enhancing the strengthening of its position in the critical competitiveness areas.

To face this great competitiveness challenge, Quidgest needs to invest in the modeling of internal processes and to make changes not only in terms of its business model but also to make significant investments in other immaterial factors that enhance the efficiency of the organization, the information of management and projection of a strong brand image, generating visibility and notoriety.

Strategic focus:

  • Increase competitiveness, introducing qualitative differentiating factors in processes and teams, in image and communication, in the relationship with customers and partners, and in the qualification of management
  • Reorganize/rationalize organizational structures and model internal processes according to best practices, enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of operations
  • Manage people with new methodologies that increase motivation and productivity
  • Betting on Innovation and R&D, launching disruptive solutions with impact on external markets

Goals to be achieved:

  • Promote the growth of Turnover
  • Increase the visibility and awareness of the Quidgest and Genio brands
  • Increase presence in foreign markets
  • Maintain sustained growth in the means generated, adjusting and consolidating the cost structure to profitability objectives

friso logos 2020

Project designation | Quidgest no Mercado Global

Project code | LISBOA-02-0752-FEDER-013443; LISBOA-05-3560-FSE-013443

Main goal | Reforçar a competitividade das pequenas e médias empresas

Intervention region | Lisboa

Beneficiary| Quidgest – Consultores de Gestão, SA

Approval date | 08-03-2016

Start date | 01-10-2015

Conclusion date | 30-09-2018

Total eligible cost | 804.847,04 €

European Union financial support | FEDER – 353.543,91 €; FSE – 11.516,35 €

Project Description:

For the success of the internationalization plan, the promoter envisages the realization of a diverse set of actions and initiatives, namely:

  • Prospecting and presence in international markets: carrying out various prospecting actions such as business missions, specialized consultancy, prospecting trips, and acquisition studies aimed at target markets. These actions are aimed at attracting new and potential customers and publicizing the solutions presented by the company.
  • Presence on the Web, through the digital economy: investing in the company’s website, creating mini-sites to represent the company’s brands, and carrying out a set of digital marketing actions aimed at foreign markets, with the aim of increasing awareness and brand visibility.
  • International marketing: Development of promotional material such as catalogs and brochures, to publicize the potential of its products and services in the promotion actions.
  • Brand development and promotion: participation in several events in the target markets and presence in international conferences. These actions allow a differentiated contact with the target audience.
  • The hiring of two qualified technicians in the commercial/marketing area and investment in specific marketing tools and software to support the internationalization process.

Strategic objectives:

  • Boost activity, promoting sustained growth in business volume in the various markets;
  • Increase the visibility and awareness of the Quidgest and Genio brands;
  • Increase and consolidate presence in foreign markets.

Results achieved

Below we present the level of execution of the project by type of operation:

Investment Evidence

  • Digital Newsletters (examples)


  • Google Ads – Landing Page (example)

  • Quidgest Event (illustrative photo of the Jamaica Event 2017))