Human Resources Management


Autoridade Metropolitana de Transportes de Lisboa (AMTL) is in charge of the planning, organization, financing, inspection, disclosure and development of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area public transport system , in order to make the system sustainable from a social, environmental, economic and financial perspective.

A Human Resources Management Solution for Lisbon Metropolitan Transport Authority


At the time of the acquisition, Autoridade Metropolitana de Transportes de Lisboa had not the necessary competencies for the management of human resources, especially regarding the processing of payrolls and its derived obligations.


In the case of Autoridade Metropolitana de Transportes de Lisboa (AMTL), the great advantage is mainly the immediate availability of specialized knowledge that did not exist in the organization. This knowledge guarantees compliance with all obligations and comprehensive legislative compliance, as they are constantly updated.


the system allowed a better exchange of information and greater communication between the services, through a single database. Average worker productivity increased through the simplification of information processing, faster execution of operations, efficient data entry, error reduction and process automation. The technical support structure of AMTL is reduced, which makes it even more convenient to computerize the processes. For all this, in a context where rigor in the management of budgets and in all aspects of administration become more necessary than ever, it was essential to reduce the probability of human error and increase efficiency.

Quidgest team, with whom we relate, deserves our highest professional respect for attitude, correctness and availability always demonstrated.”

Germano Martins, Executive Board President – AMTL

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