Evento sobre BSC Quidgest  com CMP e  IGFSS

Porto Municipality and Social Security Financial Management Institute: two success stories in implementing Quidgest's BSC

The event “Discover BSC: planning strategy execution with AI” showcased the evolution of Quidgest’s BSC solution and how it facilitates strategic management in organizations.
Quidgest and Cascais Municipality win Equality and Inclusion Award by APDC

Quidgest and Cascais Municipality win the Equality and Inclusion Award at the Cities & Territories of the Future Awards by APDC

Quidgest (technology provider) and Cascais Municipality (initiative promoter) received the award for their joint work on the Cascais Social Charter – an interactive digital platform providing citizens with information about public, solidarity, and private for-profit social equipment and responses available in the municipality of Cascais.
Book launch abou of innovation in Portugal

Book launch: “A História desconhecida da Inovação em Portugal — o caso da Navigator”

Quidgest hosted the launch of the book “A História desconhecida da Inovação em Portugal — o caso da Navigator” by Fernando Cardoso de Sousa, President of the Board of the Portuguese Association for Creativity and Innovation.

Quidgest has joined the navegante® empresas program

As part of its commitment to sustainability, Quidgest has signed a service provision contract for the navegante® empresas with the Lisbon Metropolitan Transport (TML), effective since the beginning of this year.
José Fonseca sobre IA generativa no setor do retalho

Generative AI is (and will continue to) driving the retail sector

In the retail sector Generative AI impacts operational efficiency and cost reduction areas. We also see drastic transformations ranging from inventory management to supply chain optimization.
Genio Platform: The Best Platform Low Code

Quidgest's Genio is about 10x more productive

The conclusions are compiled in the scientific article "Low-code Development Productivity," resulting from a rigorous and independent laboratory exercise in which three platforms were compared in the creation and maintenance of the same software application.
interview with helder coelho about AI

Big Interview with Helder Coelho

An interview with Helder Coelho that delves into the past but returns to the future with the same fluidity and enthusiasm of someone who shapes their life through critical thinking and interdisciplinary collaboration between AI and other fields of knowledge.
q-day conderence 2023

Q-Day Conference 2023 showed that Generative AI is ‘doubly’ decodable

The Q-Day Conference took place on September 19 and brought together more than 1600 participants – those present at the Culturgest auditorium, in Lisbon, and those who followed the event online, via live streaming.


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Quidgest is a global technology company headquartered in Lisbon and a pioneer in intelligent software modeling and generation. Through its unique generative AI platform, Genio, develops complex, urgent, and specific systems, ready to evolve continuously, flexible, and scalable for various technologies and platforms. Partners and large organizations such as governments, multinational companies, and global multilateral institutions use Quidgest’s solutions to achieve their digital strategies.

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R. Viriato, 7
1050-233 Lisboa | Portugal
Tel. +351 213 870 563