– E-book –

E-book 5 axes in HR management

HR management is responsible for finding the perfect balance between the skills and needs of the organization, ensuring that each employee is in the right place and has the right tools to do the best job possible. It is a demanding journey of constant learning and adaptation.
HR professionals must be open to new ideas and methodologies and recognize the benefits of combining the best people management practices with the most sophisticated software solutions.

In this e-book, you will learn five strategic axes in HR management that are driven by software:

  1. Inclusion & diversity: Unlocking the potential of all employees
  2. Working in a hybrid context: Balancing face-to-face and virtual contact
  3. Training and development: Turning knowledge into results
  4. Work-life balance: A holistic approach integrating work and personal life
  5. Performance management: Raise performance to new levels

This e-book also includes the infographic “Ten Challenges (and Opportunities) shaping the Future of Work”.

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