Real Time Monitoring System – Kiri Biz


Young Girls in Mozambique face numerous challenges, such as premature marriages, early and unwanted pregnancies, maternal mortality, STDs and gender-related violence.

Mozambique girls are often denied their right to education, leisure, good health and success in life, are often subject to a lifetime of poverty.

The education of young girls, is a crucial step to fight these problems and to create a future.

The Real-Time Monitoring (RTM) system provides information that helps monitor the implementation of the Rapariga Biz programme, measuring the results achieved and supporting budgetary and operational management.


Young Girls in Mozambique face numerous challenges, such as premature marriages, early and unwanted pregnancies, maternal mortality, STDs and gender-related violence.
By marrying and having children early, Mozambique girls are often denied their right to education, leisure, good health and success in life. With little access to education and economic opportunities, young married girls and young mothers are often subject to a lifetime of poverty.
The education of young girls, as well as the wider population, which has been overlooked in the past, is a crucial step to fight these problems and to create a future where all Mozambique girls can fulfill their true potential.


The Rapariga Biz programme is aimed at adolescent girls and is being implemented on the field by thousands of mentors all over Mozambique. Each mentor is grouped with 30 girls and young women aged between 10 and 24 with whom she holds weekly sessions for months, where topics such as sexual and reproductive health, human rights, social participation and life skills can be discussed in a safe space.

Quidgest, the Technological Partner of the Rapariga Biz program, developed Kiri Biz, a Real-Time Monitoring (RTM) system that serves as a basis for all processing of information and program activities, and provides the necessary data for the monitoring system.


The platform allows for impacts of the programme to be visible and trackable in real time, allowing for an efficient implementation of the programme and for high-level decision-makers to base their decisions on facts and help as many girls as possible.

The programme has yielded significant progress, and has promoted a different future for girls in Mozambique. UNFPA has already expressed a wish to train an additional 2,000 mentors in 2017, with an even bigger reach and impact expected until the programme’s end in 2020. Quidgest’s Real Time Monitoring system will, of course, facilitate the expansion of this programme and provide a tool for its continuous improvement.

The program has already generated significant results, promoting a different future for these girls. UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) has already expressed its wish to prepare another two thousand mentors in 2017, which are expected to have even greater scope and impact by the end of the program in 2020. The monitoring system in Quidgest real-time will facilitate and provide a tool for your continuous improvement.

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