To help organizations avoid serious concerns and penalties, Quidgest has developed a unique and integrated Data Protection Management solution configurable according to each business operation field and activities.
Due to Quidgest’s built to change approach to software development, new components can be added to the system to fulfill both new organizational needs and comply with regulatory updates – these are usually done in 1/10 of the time compared to the average technology provider company operating in this market.
It also provides a holistic view of the compliance procedures, notifying, advising, and framing each of those responsible for each task to be performed. With the proper notifications at the right time, employees know, in real-time, the actions they must take to ensure the organization’s compliance.
Quidgest’s Data Protection Management Solution also helps with the normalization of intra-organizational processes and the productivity increase due to the non-duplication of efforts and automation of procedures.
According to the Data Protection Officer of Lusoponte, a 120-employee organization that serves more than 30 million people annually, the implementation of Quidgest’s system reduced its operating costs between 20 and 30 percent.
Would you like to know more about Quidgest’s answer to comply with GDPR? Visit the solution’s page or contact us.