This website is the property of Quidgest – Consultores de Gestão, S.A.

This policy aims to provide all data subjects who visit our website or who, by any digital means, provide us with information with the necessary knowledge about how we manage their personal data.
This Privacy Policy applies exclusively to personal data, which Quidgest is responsible for collecting and processing. It includes all data subjects who visit our website or who, by any digital means, provide us with information.

Our commitment

The protection of privacy and personal data is a fundamental commitment at Quidgest. Personal data is not the property of companies but of individuals. They belong to you. To safeguard them while increasing the value of the data subject and offering increasingly efficient, convenient and reliable software user experiences, Quidgest complies with all legal requirements in this regard, namely the provisions of Law No. 67/98 of October 26, the Personal Data Protection Act and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons about the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.
Your privacy is an essential part of the services we provide, and we thank you for the trust you have placed in us by providing us with your personal data.

Data Controller and Data Protection Officer

Quidgest is the entity responsible for collecting and processing personal data. It decides which data is collected, what the means of processing are, and what purposes it is used. Quidgest undertakes to:

  • Process your data lawfully and fairly, collecting only the information necessary and relevant to the purpose for which it is intended;
  • Allow you, as the data subject, to access and correct the information concerning you, transmitting it in straightforward language and strictly corresponding to the content of the record;
  • Not to use the data collected for a purpose incompatible with that for which it was collected;
  • Keep the data accurate and, if necessary, current;
  • Ensure the consent of the data subject under the terms of the legislation in force;
  • Guarantee the right to delete data under the terms of the legislation in force;
  • Respect professional secrecy about the data processed;
  • Limit interconnections of personal data to the minimum necessary;
  • Implement appropriate protection and security measures to prevent unauthorized persons from consulting, modifying, destroying or adding to the data;

The Data Protection Officer (DPO) ensures, among other things, that data is processed according to the legislation in force, verifying compliance with this Privacy Policy and cooperating with the authority.

Personal data, data subjects, and categories of personal data

1. What is personal data?

Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, regardless of its medium. An identifiable person is one who can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to his or her physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

2. Who are the personal data subjects?

The Customer, Partner, Employee, or natural person to whom the data relates and who uses Quidgest’s services or products.
The Prospective Customer, Contact, or Visitor is a natural person to whom the data relates.

3. What categories of personal data do we collect, how do we collect them, and how do we process them?

Quidgest may collect, store, and use the following types of personal data:

  • Information is needed to register in the general communication database. Data requested and collected by filling in an online registration form, in accordance with the protection and security measures implemented by Quidgest, such as name, title, telephone number, and email address;
  • Any other information that, as the data subject, you choose to provide, for example, during support and technical assistance or participation in events or training actions and recruitment processes. The personal data provided may include, but is not limited to:
    • Contact data; Professional data; Demographic data;
    • Information on technological preferences, management methodologies, and software used in your organization;
    • Data relating to the purchase and use of products and services provided by Quidgest in the organization where you work;
  • Personal information is available from publicly accessible sources.

As the data subject, you are solely responsible for providing incorrect data. If you wish to correct this data, you can do so directly in your reserved area.

Grounds, Purposes, and Duration of Personal Data Processing

1. On what grounds can we process your personal data?

O tratamento de dados pessoais só é lícito se e na medida em que se verifique pelo menos uma das seguintes situações:

Consent: When, as the data subject, you have given us your express consent, in writing, orally, or through the validation of an option, and in advance and if that consent is free, informed, specific, and unambiguous for the processing of your personal data for one or more specific purposes. Where reasonably possible or required by applicable law, we will obtain your consent before collecting or using your personal data.

Compliance with contractual obligations and pre-contractual due diligence: When the processing of personal data is necessary for the fulfillment of contractual obligations to which the data subject is a party or for pre-contractual steps at the request of the data subject, such as for the preparation of a proposal for products and/or services.

Compliance with legal obligations: When the processing of personal data is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation to which Quidgest is subject, such as communicating identification data to police, judicial, tax or regulatory entities.

Legitimate interest: When the processing of personal data corresponds to a legitimate interest of Quidgest or a third party, such as the processing of data to improve the quality of service, and when our reasons for its use must prevail over data protection rights.

Defense of the vital interests of the data subject or another natural person: If the data subject is physically or legally incapable of giving consent.
Performance of a task carried out in the public interest: When processing is necessary for performing a task in the public interest or in exercising official authority vested in the controller.

2. For what purposes do we process your personal data?

The personal data collected is intended for managing and assessing needs, interests, and expectations, for information actions and/or marketing activities, for inclusion in the general communication database, and to respond to questions, suggestions, or complaints. Quidgest safeguards that some of the personal data collected, namely to register for one of our internal events, is mandatory, so that if this data needs to be included or sufficient, Quidgest will not be able to accept the registration.
In recruitment, the personal data you share with us is used only to analyze and process the application and is not shared with external entities.

Quidgest may also use your personal data collected to:

  • Provide enhanced offers and experiences;
  • Send you information about updates or changes to our products and services, changes to Quidgest’s terms, conditions, and policies, or commercial communication.

3. How long do we process your personal data?

Whenever there is no specific legal obligation, personal data is processed by Quidgest only for the period necessary to fulfill the defined purpose.
In the context of recruitment, personal data collected through applications will be kept for one year from receipt of the application.

Rights of the data subject

Under the terms of the applicable legislation, as a data subject, you have the right to access the data concerning you. You may request its rectification or addition by contacting Quidgest for this purpose through the means and contacts indicated below:

  • Through the Data Subject Portal (when available)
  • By email to the Privacy and Information Security Committee:
  • You may also, as the data subject, object to processing your data under the terms of the legislation in force at any time.

Subcontractors, Communication, and Transfer of Personal Data

Within the scope of its activity, Quidgest may use subcontractors for all or part of the purposes identified. It takes the necessary measures to ensure that these entities are reputable, offer security guarantees, and process the personal data of the data subjects to which, for this purpose, it has access, in accordance with the law and with all the points of this privacy policy.


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Quidgest is a global technology company headquartered in Lisbon and a pioneer in intelligent software modeling and generation. Through its unique generative AI platform, Genio, develops complex, urgent, and specific systems, ready to evolve continuously, flexible, and scalable for various technologies and platforms. Partners and large organizations such as governments, multinational companies, and global multilateral institutions use Quidgest’s solutions to achieve their digital strategies.

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R. Viriato, 7
1050-233 Lisboa | Portugal
Tel. +351 213 870 563