These are the four P’s that will focus on our next Q-Day, which will seek to address how we can use technology to overcome our challenges.

The guidelines for sustainability until 2030 were created six years ago by the United Nations. Since then, business fabric and the public sector have used the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to guide their operations.
However, recent times have put barriers in the path that was being taken. The pandemic has set us back, and its damaging effects have blurred us from the goals. Therefore, it is time to reflect, understand what we can do in this new normal to mitigate the Planet’s pains, support those who need us, and find solutions.

From this side, from those who have been building technology for more than 30 years, we believe that software has a tremendous potential to create fairer societies and to progress towards a cleaner planet. But without people’s ingenuity, goodwill, and understanding of the issues, technology becomes meaningless. The problem is thus not a lack of technology but how we use it.
Yet, technological skills coupled with appropriate infrastructure can create skilled jobs and equip individuals with the tools that generate jobs and contribute to the quality of life of their peers. Thus, economic and social prosperity is driven by the excellent use and creation of technology.
Like everything that has tremendous potential for good, technology can also be used for evil, as recent months have shown worldwide. Consequently, peace is an unavoidable topic when we talk about the SDGs. It is essential to discuss the mechanisms that help us reach a level of stability in areas where the value of human life seems to be disregarded by belligerent forces.

Finally, it is also fundamental that we reflect on the damage – often unnecessary – that we have caused to our home, Planet Earth. Let us look at technology as a facilitator of objectives. Let us use artificial intelligence and other highly complex tools favoring a Home that bears as much fruit for our children as it has for us.


painel 1 q-day 2021

What can we do to ensure that all human beings enjoy a prosperous and fulfilled life and that technological, social, and economic progress happens in harmony with Nature?
This will be the central theme of this panel, which will focus on how technology, mainly digital technology, can support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals directly related to Prosperity.

By 2030, we want to reach a plateau where all human beings live in a region where economic growth and quality of life are the fruit of sustainable progress. We want to increase economic growth per capita and achieve higher productivity levels in economies through diversification, technological modernization and innovation while creating a skilled workforce for jobs that grow existing organizations or start new businesses that revitalize and diversify the economies of developing countries. All of this in a sustainable way that fosters long-term economic and social development.

What do we need to do to ensure that all human beings have access to the primary conditions for a prosperous life?

Sustainable Development Goals associated with this panel:

SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth
SDG 9: Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
SDG 10: Reduced inequalities
SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production


  • Teresa Ponce de Leão (moderator)
  • João Paulo Carvalho
  • Maria João Carioca
  • Ricardo Castanheira

Panel 2: PLANET

panel 2 q-day 2021

What can we do to protect the Planet from the growing degradation of the last decades? First, to reverse the harmful effects caused, we must make consumption and production sustainable and the sustainable management of natural resources common practice and act quickly on climate change. Only in this way can we protect the quality of life and access to natural assets of this and future generations.

By 2030, we want to ensure, for all, the availability and sustainable management of drinking water and sanitation and ensure access to reliable, sustainable, and modern energy sources. Today, we must take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts, conserve the lives of the oceans and seas, and protect all life on earth.

How can we reverse climate change and its effects on the Planet through digital technology? This will be the central theme of the Planet panel, whose five embedded sustainable development goals will be the conversation starter.

Sustainable Development Goals associated with this panel:

SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 13: Climate action
SDG 14: Life below water
SDG 15: Life on land


  • Pedro Henrique Miranda (moderator)
  • Francisco Ferreira
  • João Wengorovius Meneses
  • Luís Neves
  • Natan Jacquemin


Co-Innovation awards are part of the Q-Day Conference since 2012. This distinction intends to recognize the contribution of customers and partners in the development and innovation of information systems. The results obtained by Quidgest and its partners are only possible thanks to the knowledge and skills of those who use and manage them every day.


Innovation is a transversal theme to all panels at this event, so Q-Day has a particular discussion centered on this topic. It will feature guests from various countries and specialties and will be moderated by Isabel Caetano, one of the most excellent national experts in this field.
This panel will be conducted entirely in English and will have a hybrid format: face-to-face and online.


Isabel Caetano (moderator) / Aernoudt Bottemanne / Belen Suárez / Stephanie Robertson / Jurij Kobal

Panel 3: PEOPLE

panel 3 q-day 2021


What can we do as members of various communities (regional, national, business, and organizational) to end hunger and poverty – in all its forms and dimensions – and ensure that all human beings can reach their full potential concerning dignity and equality and in a healthy environment?

By 2030, we want to reach a level where no one is below the poverty line or going hungry. But, at the same time, we want to ensure that everyone has access to quality education and is rewarded equally, regardless of gender, religion, or ethnicity.

Technology, especially the ecosystem that comes with it, is part of the answer. Developing digital skills creates opportunities for skilled employment in modern organizations, which provide financial stability and improve citizens’ services.

Sustainable Development Goals associated with this panel:

SDG 1: No Poverty
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 5: Gender Equality


  • Hugo Ribeiro (moderator)
  • Paula Panarra
  • Lia Vasconcelos
  • Carla Tavares
  • Sara Inácio


panel 4 q-day 2021

What can we do to foster Peace and create societies where justice and inclusion reign and fear and violence have no place? Without Peace, we can’t work on the Prosperity, Planet, and People fronts.

By 2030 we want to promote peaceful and solidary societies, such as providing access to justice for all and building effective, responsible, and inclusive institutions at all levels. It is necessary to support the most disadvantaged or conflict areas and create means for local development to create social stability.

This is not a fight that countries or organizations should carry out alone. To fight a war, we need to promote partnerships between governments and organizations with different specialties. Partnerships are also central to all the panels – we must join forces to strengthen the means of implementing the UN’s goals.

We can do this by using the technological expertise developed in prosperous countries: promoting the development, transfer, dissemination, and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies to developing nations so that growth can be sustainable.

Sustainable Development Goals associated with this panel:

SDG 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal


  • António Amorim (moderator)
  • Mário Parra da Silva
  • Marta Mariz
  • Bruno Neto
  • Helena Valente


If people, technology, innovation, and organizational and planetary sustainability are topics of the utmost relevance to you, this is another must-attend Q-Day

  • Prestigious expert speakers in different themes

  • Hot topics related to Competitiveness, Management, Strategy, Technology, and Sustainability

  • Sharing ideas and opinions

  • Networking space

  • Opportunity to establish strategic partnerships


08h30 | Reception and Registration

09h00 | Opening session

09h30 | Panel 1 – PROSPERITY

10h30 | Break

11h00 | Panel 2 – PLANET

12h00 | Co-Innovation Awards

13h00 | Lunch break

14h30 | Innovation and SDG for Prosperity

15h15 | Panel 3 – PEOPLE

16h15 | Break

16h30 | Panel 4 – PEACE and PARTNERSHIPS

17h45 | Closing session

  • WHEN

    September 14th
    09:00 a.m. – 06:00 p.m.


    Registration is free but subject to confirmation, up to the maximum capacity of the room.


By car: Parking of Campo Pequeno (www.campopequeno.com)

By bus: Campo Pequeno/Avenida de Berna: 756  |  Campo Pequeno/Avenida da República: 727, 736, 738, 744, 749, 754 e 783  |  Praça de Londres: 722 e 767  |  Avenida de Roma: 735 e 767

By subway: Yellow line, Campo Pequeno stop


Participants will have to present at Culturgest entrance a negative test (performed, at most, 48 hours in advance) or an updated digital vaccination certificate.

In addition to this, the recommended hygiene measures should be adopted, including a mask and regular hand disinfection.


<p><center>André de Aragão Azevedo</center>

André de Aragão Azevedo

Secretário de Estado para a Transição Digital
<p><center>Aernoudt Bottemanne</center>

Aernoudt Bottemanne

Co-founder & Chief Customer Officer at η!Transformers
<p><center>Belén Suarez</center>

Belén Suarez

Director for Europe at IAOIP
<p><center>Bruno Neto</center>

Bruno Neto

Head of Base and Operations - Southern Afghanistan INTERSOS
<p><center>Carla Tavares</center>

Carla Tavares

President of the Commission for Equality in Labor and Employment (CITE)
<p><center>Francisco Ferreira</center>

Francisco Ferreira

President of ZERO Association
<p><center>Helena Valente</center>

Helena Valente

Member of the Board at CESO Development Consultants
<p><center>Isabel Caetano</center>

Isabel Caetano

Strategic and Innovation Management, Assessment, Evaluation and Impact
<p><center>João Paulo Carvalho</center>

João Paulo Carvalho

Senior Partner at Quidgest
<p><center>João Wengorovius Meneses</center>

João Wengorovius Meneses

Secretário Geral do BCSD Portugal
<p><center>Jurij Kobal</center>

Jurij Kobal

Director at Oikos Sustainable Development
<p><center>Lia Vasconcelos</center>

Lia Vasconcelos

Teacher at FCT- UNL and researcher of MARE
<p><center>Luís Neves</center>

Luís Neves

CEO of the Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative (GeSI)
<p><center>Maria João Carioca</center>

Maria João Carioca

Executive Board Member at CGD
<p><center>Mário Parra da Silva</center>

Mário Parra da Silva

President of Global Compact Network Portugal
<p><center>Marta Mariz</center>

Marta Mariz

President of SOFID’s Executive Committee
<p><center>Natan Jacquemin</center>

Natan Jacquemin

Social Entrepreneur
<p><center>Paula Panarra</center>

Paula Panarra

General Manager at Microsoft Portugal
<p><center>Ricardo Castanheira</center>

Ricardo Castanheira

Digital Counselor
<p><center>Stephanie Robertson</center>

Stephanie Robertson

Chair of the Board of Social Value Canada and CEO of SiMPACT Strategy Group

2019 Edition