What is Shadow IT?

What is Shadow IT and how to overcome it

The evolution of the office worker – from using a quill to programming

citizen software development

What is Citizen Development and how it empowers Organizations

Generative AI by Quidgest Genio

What is Generative AI – Examples, Numbers, and Predictions

Time in Software Development

When the response time tends to zero, the value tends to infinite

Co-innovating with Genio

Model-Driven Development

What is Model-Driven Development?

Grab a seat, CEO


Built to change, (not) to last

PBC Gartner vendor list

Quidgest mentioned in Gartner’s Example Composable Vendor list


Quidgest is a global technology company headquartered in Lisbon and a pioneer in intelligent software modeling and generation. Through its unique generative AI platform, Genio, develops complex, urgent, and specific systems, ready to evolve continuously, flexible, and scalable for various technologies and platforms. Partners and large organizations such as governments, multinational companies, and global multilateral institutions use Quidgest’s solutions to achieve their digital strategies.

quidgest certifications


R. Viriato, 7
1050-233 Lisboa | Portugal
Tel. +351 213 870 563