What makes a country?
With a very active global social responsibility and development policy, which encompasses structuring projects in different places around the world, Quidgest is a reference in the countries and regions where it operates. Developing projects financed by international entities, to foster development, partners such as the United Nations, World Bank Group, Inter-American Development Bank, Irish Aid, Millennium Challenge Corporation, USAID, Agencia Española de Cooperaciòn Internacional para el Desarrollo, African Development Fund, among other institutions of reference worldwide.
Software development plays a key role in building sustainable networks in developing countries, particularly with regard to social responsibility and global development. The existence of a high-quality national innovation system enables local companies and R&D institutions to have positive effects on the economy.
Quidgest has focused many of its initiatives on the development of innovative solutions that can respond to major social challenges, with the aim of exposing the role of technology as a fundamental engine for improving responses to social problems;